Kindness Card

Kindness Card

Friday 3 April 2015

Card Number 32 - A "Joy Card" - Card Found/Kindness Continued

The 32nd random act of kindness has been completed. Card Number 32 was left with $4 in a phone box in Glendalough, Perth, Western Australia, on 3rd April. This is a "Joy Card" - because it was started by my children. If you have received this card, please let me know so I can update this post.

You can do any random act of kindness you like, to continue the kindness.

Card Has Been Found
Card was found in the phone box in Glendalough.

Kindness has been continued! 
On 10/04/15 the card was left at Jamaica blue in Mirrabooka with a note and $5 for a coffee.



  1. Thank you for this lovely act of kindness- my son found card 32 when he went to use the phone as he was out of credit. It brought a smile to us all when he showed us. I have taken on the card on his behalf - he is not the most organised person and I wanted to make sure it keeps going

  2. I am so happy you found the card and the kind act made you smile. Thank you for taking on the card and for inspiring me to do more kind acts.

  3. On 10/04/15 I left card 32 at Jamaica blue in Mirrabooka with a note and $5 to have a coffee on me :-)

  4. Thank you so much for continuing the acts of kindness.
