Kindness Card

Kindness Card

Saturday 1 August 2015

Random Acts of Kindness Ideas

Here are some ideas for continuing the kindness:

I put my anonymous acts of kindness in clear resealable bags, with the RAK card and a note saying "You are loved" and leave them for people to find. If I am doing a RAK in person, I just hand it to the person with the RAK card.

1. Lottery tickets
2. Money for phone calls - leave in public telephone boxes
3. Money taped to parking ticket machines or meters (in a bag)
4. Books left on park benches or at bus stops
5. Handmade journals with a pen, left at bus stops - I call them "A Journal for your Journey"
6. Chocolate or candy
7. Money left in a cafe for coffee and cake
8. Money left at the supermarket on a bench or on the noticeboard
9. Money left on noticeboards
10. Handmade gifts for family and friends - my daughters and I made angels
11. "Survival Kits" for family and friends - we made "School Holiday Survival Kits" and gave them to parents. We put chocolate, coffee, pens, pencils, scrapbook and lots more inside.
12. Paintings or drawings for family and friends
13. Colouring books and pencils
14. Pay for someone's lunch
15. Pay for the person behind you in the drive thru takeaway or coffee - ask the attendant to give the RAK card to them
16. Paying for someone's groceries
17. Posting a gift or card in the mail - people like to receive mail

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