Kindness Card

Kindness Card

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Card Number 201 - A "Treasure Card" - Card Found

The 201st random act of kindness has been completed. I left Card Number 201 with $5 at the Loftus Community Centre, Leederville, Perth, Western Australia, on 5th August. This is a "Treasure Card" - because it started with a money act of kindness. If you have received this card, please let me know so I can update this post.

Please note - you do not need to follow the theme of the card you have received. You can do any random act of kindness you like, to continue the kindness. It doesn't need to involve money.

Card Has Been Found 
The card was found in Leederville, Western Australia with $5.00 attached. The person and their friend gave the money to a veteran soldier they met on the bus who had just got out of hospital.

The person who found the card says: With the card was a note that read "you are loved" when he read that he told my friend those were the last words his mother (who had recently passed away) had said to him before he deployed. There's no such thing as coincidence, we were meant to find your card today and we were meant to get on the bus with this guy. Thank you. 

(I almost didn't leave this RAK in the community centre. There were so many people around and I like to do RAKS when no one is looking but something made me go back and leave it there.)

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