Kindness Card

Kindness Card

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Kindness Continued - Cards 21, 29, 32, 35, 82, 124

The kindness has been continued with Card 21. This card started with a book at a laundromat in Glendalough and has now been left at Innaloo Shopping Centre with $5. Please see the post for Card 21 for more information.

The kindness has also been continued with Card 32. This card started with $4 in a phone box in Glendalough and has now been left at Jamaica blue in Mirrabooka with a note and $5 for a coffee. Please see the post for Card 32 for more information.

The kindness has also been continued with Card 35. This card started with a $1 scratchie (lottery ticket) and a picture drawn by my daughter posted to Vasse. The card was then left with $5 at a favourite coffee shop with the following note on 15th April: "Today I'd like you to sit and sip, Forget the world a little bit, How do you like your coffee? Free? Enjoy one on me." The card was then found at table number 3 with a happy note and $5 at Urban Bean Cafe in Busselton, on 15th April. Please see the post for Card 35 for more information.

The kindness has also been continued with Card 29. This card was started with a $1 scratchie (lottery ticket) posted to Busselton and was returned to me in a surprise act of kindness, with a beautiful scarf, on May 8th. I left the card with $20 on a noticeboard at Glendalough Shopping Centre on May 10th in honour of Mother's Day.

The kindness has been continued with Card 82. This card was started with two handmade angels and a drawing (created by my children), and a $1 scratchie (lottery ticket), and posted to Busselton, Western Australia, on 19th April. The card was found in Busselton. Then it was given, with $5, to a homeless woman near the Old Tourist Bureau near the Vasse River in Busselton.

The kindness has been continued with Card 124. This card was started with $5 taped to a parking ticket machine in Glendalough, Perth, Western Australia, on 11th May. The card was found on the ticket machine on the same day. The card was then left in a phone booth in Glendalough with $3 for a phone call, on 13th May.

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